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Greg Phillips

Greg's Past Transactions Within Frederick County, excluding those in Frederick City, the Clover Hill communities, and other towns such as Walkersville, Middletown, Thurmont and New Market, which are listed separately.

Frederick County Maryland, is comprised of 667 square miles and by geography, is the largest county in the state. The terrain is diverse, with mountains, including the Catoctins, fertile valleys, rivers and streams and amazing historical sites. Greg has been active throughout the county and below represent many of his transactions there:

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Select a link below to review Greg's transaction history by geographic area:

CLOVER HILL: Clover Hill transaction overview

  • CH1: Clover Hill 1
  • CH2W: Clover Hill 2 West
  • CH2E: Clover Hill 2 East
  • CH3: Clover Hill 3

FREDERICK CITY: Incorporated Frederick City

FREDERICK COUNTY: Non-incorporated Frederick County (excludes Clover Hill and some other communities below)

MIDDLETOWN and Myersville

NEW MARKET and Lake Linganore


WALKERSVILLE and Woodsboro




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